
Linux Workstation Setup: XPS, Arch, Windows, Encrypted


My workstation is a Dell XPS. The specs are:

I choose XPS as it is a familiar laptop with a keyboard and trackpad I like. I choose one with an 11th Gen Intel chip even though the Intel 12th gen CPUs are available. These feature the performance (p) and efficiency (e) cores. While I am excited about this architecture, Intel’s thread director is not planned to be available in the Linux kernel until 5.18. The memory size is largely unnecessary, but I do use qemu to spin up and down multiple VMs, so the extra headroom is nice. With 2TB of disk space, I can have Windows and Linux installed with ~1TB available to each. The dedicated graphics are leveraged to offload video rendering. Otherwise, I try to use integrated graphics (for the sake of battery). Lastly, the display is the less-nice non-OLED (FHD+) option. While a lesser display, it has significantly less power draw and removes the touch feature set. Lastly, being Dell, the BIOS-level settings on this workstation can be a pain for Linux. If you’re looking for a purely Linux workstation, I recommend System 76.

Installation Preparation

For installation media, use 2 USB flash drives, one for Linux and one for Windows.

Linux Install Media

For Arch Linux, you can download the ISO at From here, choose mirror. For my location, I find the mirror to be good. To setup the downloaded ISO:

  1. Insert the USB drive to your machine.

  2. List block devices to determine the device name.

    $ lsblk
    NAME                    MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
    sda                       8:0    1  29.2G  0 disk
    |-sda1                    8:1    1   602M  0 part
    `-sda2                    8:2    1    64M  0 part
    nvme0n1                 259:0    0   477G  0 disk
    |-nvme0n1p1             259:1    0   512M  0 part  /boot
    `-nvme0n1p2             259:2    0 476.4G  0 part
                            254:0    0 476.4G  0 crypt
        `-vg0-root          254:1    0 476.4G  0 lvm   /

    Based on the above, the drive is located at dev/sda.

  3. Write the ISO contents to the USB drive.

    bash cat ~/Downloads/${ARCH_ISO_FILE_NAME}.iso > /dev/sda

    cat points at the disk, /dev/sda. It should not point at a partition (e.g. /dev/sda1).

  4. Remove the USB drive.

Windows Install Media

For Windows, Ventoy is used to create the installation media. Its primary use is to disable hardware checks in Windows, namely secure boot. To get setup for the installation media, you should:

  1. Download and install Ventoy.

  2. Download the Windows 11 ISO image.

    Install Windows 11

With the above in place, you can setup the installation media by:

  1. Launch ventoygui.

  2. Choose your USB stick from the drop-down.

  3. Click Install.

  4. Close ventoygui.

  5. Mount the partition made by ventoygui.

    # mount /dev/sda1 /run/media/josh/ventoy

    Assumes ventoy exists in your path.

  6. Run ventoyplugson against this mount.

    ventoyplugson /dev/sda1
  7. Open the address provided by ventoyplugson.

  8. In Global Control Plugin set VTOY_WIN11_BYPASS_CHECK to 1 (on).

    ventoy gui

    This will ensure we can install Windows 11 with secure boot disabled (required for the Linux install). It will also allow you to install Windows on a machine that does not meet Microsft's hardware requirements.

  9. Exit ventoyplugson.

  10. Remove the USB drive.

BIOS Setup

On most modern motherboards, you'll need to disable secure boot in the BIOS. This is primarily to support the Linux install, however there are ways to do a Linux install with secure boot enabled. On modern Dell laptops, Intel Rapid Storage (via RAID) is turned on by default. The primary use of this feature is to emulate RAID storage, however, it really doesn't serve much purpose on this single SSD laptop. Thus, I recommend setting the SATA mode to AHCI/NVMe. To setup the BIOS:

  1. Boot into the one-time-boot menu by holding F12 during boot.

  2. Select the BIOS option.

  3. In Boot Configuration > Secure Boot, disable secure boot.

    BIOS secure boot

  4. From Storage > SATA/NVMe Operation, set the mode to AHCI/NVMe.

    BIOS AHCI/NVMe operation

  5. Apply Changes and power down.

Disk (Partition) Layout

This laptop will run Windows 11 and Arch Linux. Both operating systems will be fully encrypted. The partition layout will be as follows:

Partition Scheme

I've intentionally left out some partitions that will be created by Linux.

It's worth noting that I do not reserve space for swap in Linux. For many Linux-laptop users, swap is highly preferred as it enables their computer to Hibernate. You may want to look into the benefits of Hibernate to determine if you'd like an extra partition for swap.

Windows Install

Windows installation comes first as it will layout the disk in a way that Linux can add to. Once Windows is installed, Veracrypt will be used to encrypt its volume.

  1. Insert the USB drive containing the (Ventoy) Windows ISO.

  2. Boot into the one-time-boot menu by holding F12 during boot.

  3. Select USB from the left navigation.

  4. Select the language to install and click Next.

  5. Click Install now.

  6. Accept the license terms and click Next.

  7. Click Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).

  8. Delete all existing partitions.

  9. Create a new partition of the size you'd like Windows to occupy.

    Windows creates additoinal partitions including the 100.0MB System partition that will act as the EFI partition.

  10. Click Next and wait for Windows to install.

    After the installation completes, the machine will reboot.

  11. After reboot, go through the Windows setup procedure.

Disable Fast Boot

Once Windows has been installed and configured you're able to boot into it. The next step is to turn off the fast boot feature. This feature can cause issues with partitions shared between Windows and Linux. To disable fast boot:

  1. Open Control Panel.

  2. In the top right search, enter power.

  3. Click Change what the power buttons do.

  4. Click Change settings that are unavailable.

  5. Uncheck Turn on fast startup (recommended).

    To understand why fast startup is not recommended, see

  6. Open Start > Settings > Update & Security and Check for updates.

  7. Allow all Windows updates to download and install before proceeding.

Encrypt the Windows Volume

With Window fully configured, you can now encrypt its volume. VeraCrypt provides a free and open source way to encrypt the volume. After setting this up, the bootloader will boot to VeraCrypt, which will then prompt the user to decrypt the drive. If the user providers the correct password, the drive is decrypted and Windows is booted. To encrypt the Window volume:

  1. Download and install VeraCrypt.

  2. Launch VeraCrypt.

  3. From the menu bar, open System > Encrypt System Partition/Drive

  4. Choose Normal.

  5. Choose Encrypt the Windows system partition.

  6. Choose Single-boot.

    While you will have a multi-boot system eventually. This installation will have grub point to veracrypt that will then decrypt and point to windows. Thus, vercrypt needs to know nothing about Linux.

  7. Choose your preferred encryption algorithm and click Next.

  8. Create a strong password.

  9. Allow VeraCrypt to collect random data.

  10. If desired, create a rescue disk.

    This will require a USB drive to save to.

  11. Choose your preferred Wipe Mode.

  12. Run the System Encryption Pretest.

    This will require your machine to be restarted.

  13. Upon restart, enter your encryption password when prompted.

  14. Log back in to your Windows system.

  15. VeraCrypt will pop back up to tell you the Pretest Completed.

  16. Click Encrypt and run the encryption.

    This will encrypt the file system and take several minutes.

  17. Allow the encryption to complete.

  18. Power off the machine.

Linux Install

Arch Linux will be installed using the disk space left over from Windows. We'll use the installer to setup the partitions, encrypt root, and finally bootstrap the initial system. To start installing Arch Linux:

  1. Insert the USB containing the Arch Linux ISO.

  2. Boot into the one-time-boot menu by holding F12 during boot.

  3. Select the USB device and allow the Arch installer to boot.

The default Arch install requires internet connection to discover and install packages. Wired connections should work by default. If using a wireless connection:

  1. Run iwctl to managed wireless networks.

    $ iwctl
  2. Locate the name of your wireless device.

    $ device list
  3. Connect to the wireless network by its name.

    $ station ${DEVICE_NAME} connect ${NETWORK_NAME}
  4. Validate connectivity.

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from time=809 ms
    64 bytes from time=753 ms

SSH into Installer

Once network is setup, I prefer to complete the installation on a second computer. This providers greater flexibility to use a browser, copy/paste, and more. To setup ssh and finish the install from another host:

  1. Set a root passwd for root.

  2. Enable sshd.

    systemctl start sshd

    This may be enabled by default.

  3. Determine your local address using ip a.

  4. From another computer, ssh in.

    ssh root@${TARGET_MACHINE_IP}

Disk Partitioning

  1. List block devices to determine the name of the drive.

    NAME                                            MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
    nvme0n1                                         259:0    0   477G  0 disk  
    |-nvme0n1p1                                     259:1    0   512M  0 part  /boot
    `-nvme0n1p2                                     259:2    0 476.4G  0 part  
      `-cryptroot\x5cx2callow-discards\x5cx2cheader 254:0    0 476.4G  0 crypt 
        `-vg0-root                                  254:1    0 476.4G  0 lvm   /

    In the above, the drive is mapped to /dev/nvme0n1.

  2. Launch cgdisk for the drive above.

    cgdisk /dev/nvme0n1

    cgdisk is an ncurses-based GUID partition table manipulator. Unlike the command-only fdisk approach, cgdisk provides a text-menu for writing partitions.

  3. Select the free space.

  4. Choose [ New ].

  5. Enter no value for First sector (chooses default).

    This means the Linux partition starts directly at the end of the Windows partition. Some believe it is best to leave a small amount of free space between partitions. However, I have not had issues with this.

  6. Enter 512Mib for size in sectors.

    This is the end size of the partition.

  7. Enter no value for Hex code or GUID (chooses default).

    Default is 8300, Linux filesystem. A list can be found at

  8. Name the partition boot.

  9. Note the partition number of the EFI System partition. This will be referenced later when configuring grub. In the screenshots above, it is partition 2. On Windows 11 installs I've done, I have found this can be partition 1.

  10. Select the free space.

  11. Choose [ New ].

  12. Enter no value for First sector (chooses default).

  13. Enter no value for size in sectors (chooses default).

    This will fill the remaining disk.

  14. Enter no value for Hex code or GUID (chooses default).

  15. Name the partition root.

  16. Choose [ Write ] and say yes.

  17. Choose [ Quit ].

Encrypting and Configuring the Root Partition

With the partitions setup, the root partition can be encrypted. Once encrypted, a device mapper /dev/mapper/* will be used to interact with the partition. To perform the encryption:

  1. Encrypt the root partition.

    cryptsetup -y --use-random luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p6

    At the confirmation prompt, be sure to type YES in uppercase.

    • -y: interactively requests the passphrase twice.
    • --use-random: uses /dev/random to produce keys.
    • luksFormat: initializes a LUKS partition.
  2. Open the LUKS device

    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p6 cryptroot
    • luksOpen: Opens the LUKS device and creates a mapping in /dev/mapper.
  3. Run lsblk to view the new volume relationship.

  4. Format the boot partitions as an ext4 file system.

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p5
  5. Format the cryptroot as a ext4 file system.

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/cryptroot

Mounting and Installing Linux

With the filesystems in place, we need to mount the partitions to the local files system (in /mtn) to begin writing to them. Once mounted, we'll be able to use pacstrap which is like a version of pacman that installs packages against a root filesystem you specify. To do perform these mounts and install:

  1. Mount cryptroot at /mnt.

    mount /dev/mapper/cryptroot /mnt
  2. Create a boot directory at root.

    mkdir /mnt/boot
  3. Mount the boot directory to the boot partition.

    mount /dev/nvme0n1p5 /mnt/boot 
  4. Create an efi directory in /mnt/boot.

    mkdir /mnt/boot
  5. Mount the Window's created EFI partition to /mnt/boot.

    mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi

    This is the partition you noted in the Disk Partitioning section.

  6. Edit the mirrors file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist with preferred mirrors from

    Setting mirrors that are reliable and fast are key as these mirrors will be used for your initial install and setup as the default mirrors for your package installs going forward. I typically put at the top and a few more from the America section.

  7. Install packages on the root file system.

    pacstrap /mnt linux linux-firmware base base-devel grub efibootmgr vim git intel-ucode networkmanager
  8. Generate file system table (fstab) for mounting partitions.

    genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
    • -u: Use UUIDs for source identifiers.

System Configuration

The system needs some configuration steps completed in order to support the language, timezone, and expected character encodings. To configure these aspects, do:

  1. Enter the system root via arch-chroot.

    arch-chroot /mnt
  2. Set your timezone.

    ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Denver /etc/localtime
  3. Set the Hardware Clock from the System Clock, and update the timestamps in /etc/adjtime.

    hwclock --systohc
  4. Uncomment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 in /etc/locale.gen.

    #en_SG.UTF-8 UTF-8  
    #en_SG ISO-8859-1  
    en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8  
    #en_US ISO-8859-1  
    #en_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8  

    Modify for your locale.

  5. Generate locale.

  6. Set the LANG variable to the same locale in /etc/locale.conf.

    echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.conf
  7. Set your hostname.

    echo "taco" >> /etc/hostname

Initial Ramdisk Configuration

The initial ramdisk is a root file system that will be booted into memory. It aids in startup. This section covers setup and generation of an mkinitcpio configuration for generating initramfs.

  1. Add encrypt to HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf (order matters).

    HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt filesystems keyboard fsck)

    HOOKS are modules added to the initramfs image. Without encrypt and lvm2, systems won't contain modules necessary to decrypt LUKs.

  2. Move keyboard before modconf in HOOKS.

    HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard modconf block encrypt filesystems fsck)
  3. Build initramfs with the linux preset.

    mkinitcpio -p linux

GRUB Bootloader Setup

The bootloader will enable selection of and booting into Linux and Windows. There are a variety of bootloaders out there, I prefer grub due to familiarity. To setup grub:

  1. Determine the UUID of your root partition and EFI parition.

  2. Edit the GRUB boot loader configuration.

    vim /etc/default/grub
  3. Update the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX to match the format cryptdevice=UUID=${ROOT_UUID}:cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot where ${ROOT_UUID} is the UUID captured above.

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=UUID=4f7301bf-a44f-4b90-ad6d-5ec10a0c2f2a:cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot"
  4. Add grub menu item for Windows 10 by editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom.

    exec tail -n +3 $0
    # This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
    # menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
    # the 'exec tail' line above.
    if [ "${grub_platform}" == "efi" ]; then
      menuentry "Windows 11" {
        insmod part_gpt
        insmod fat
        insmod search_fs_uuid
        insmod chain
        # use:
        # after --set=root, add the EFI partition's UUID
        # this can be found with either:
        # a. blkid
        # - or -
        # b. grub-probe --target=fs_uuid /boot/efi/EFI/VeraCrypt/DcsBoot.efi
        search --fs-uuid --set=root $FS_UUID
        chainloader /EFI/VeraCrypt/DcsBoot.efi
  5. Replace $FS_UUID with the EFI partition's UUID, found in step 1 of this section. In this example:

    search --fs-uuid --set=root 8E12-69DD
  6. Install grub.


    This assumes your efi is located in /boot/efi; additional flags are available if you used an alternative location.

  7. Generate the grub configuration.

    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Final Setup

Lastly, you need to ensure your initial user is setup and a networking daemon is good to go when you reboot. The final steps are:

  1. Set the root password.

  2. Add a user.

    useradd -m -G wheel josh
    • -G adds the user to a group.
    • -m creates a home directory.
  3. Set the user's password.

    passwd josh 
  4. Enter visudo.


    visudo edits the sudoers files at /etc/sudoers. It does this safely by acquiring a lock.

  5. Uncomment the lines that allow users of group wheel to sudo.

    ## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
  6. Enable NetworkManager to ensure it starts after boot.

    systemctl enable NetworkManager
  7. Exit the arch-chroot

  8. Unmount the partitions.

    umount -R /mnt
  9. Reboot.

  10. Using grub, login to Arch Linux.

  11. Use nmtui-connect to establish internet and begin installing packages.

Congrats! You have officially booted your new Linux desktop.

Desktop Environment

For my desktop environment, I install all packages and configuration using a Makefile found at

I've detailed this process in my Linux Desktop Configuration post.
